Bishops Stortford Locksmith: Your 24/7 Emergency Locksmith Service

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Bishops Stortford Locksmith: Your 24/7 Emergency Locksmith Service

29 December 2024 Locksmith Bishops Stortford Comments Off

Imagine that your key won’t turn in the lock while you are already late and hurrying out of the house to go to work. Alternatively, it breaks in two, leaving you with a frozen lock and a broken key. During the cold winters in the UK, drivers encounter this annoying situation much too frequently.

The lock mechanism is essentially jammed shut by condensation that freezes inside it at below-freezing temperatures. This is particularly common in outdoor doors and garages.

Even though prevention is usually preferable than treatment, frozen locks might occasionally be unavoidable. Avoid forcing the key into the frozen lock if you find yourself in this cold situation, as this could break your key and do more harm. Try these techniques instead:

Chemical lock de-icer: This easily accessible solution from any petrol station will rapidly melt a frozen lock. Keep it in a convenient location rather than in your car, where it will be useless.

The “hot key” method entails melting the ice inside the lock by warming your key with a lighter or an electric key warmer. It can take several tries.

Lubrication is essential. Use a silicone-based product on a regular basis to lubricate your hair; stay away from oil-based products since they tend to accumulate dirt. By doing this, moisture is forced out, freezing is avoided, and smooth operation is guaranteed.

Darren at Locksmith Bishops Stortford offers a few precautions to keep your locks functioning properly during the severe winter months. First and foremost, frequent lubrication is crucial. Choose a lubricant made of graphite instead of conventional oil because it works better at colder temperatures.

Second, use a weather-resistant sealer to keep your wooden doors safe. This will lessen the chance of swelling and moisture absorption, which could lead to the door sticking. In the process, look for any openings around the door frame and seal them to keep out drafts and harmful water intrusion.

To protect outdoor doors from snow and rain, think about adding an awning or cover. The chance of freezing and rusting can be considerably decreased with this easy addition. To help maintain a tight seal against the weather, regularly check the weather stripping around your windows and doors and replace any worn or broken pieces before winter arrives.

Lastly, keep rust from becoming an issue. Clean your locks right away and apply a thin layer of lubrication if you notice any corrosion. Upgrade to weatherproof lock alternatives for increased durability and lifetime.

🔑No matter what you do, your lock is entirely frozen and won’t move.
🔑A wooden door that is bloated on the outside cannot be properly locked and closed.
🔑Wear or rust causes damage to locks or keys.
🔑You require guidance regarding the upgrade to weatherproof locks.

Darrens prices are designed to be affordable and transparent, you can call him at anytime on 01279 816423 to get a quote.

Or please send photos of your lock on Whats app with a description of your problem to  07846 668941 
